This photo was taken in an evacuation area of the victims of typhoon Ondoy. The very composition tells the story of how are they coping with things. The classroom definitley serve as their temporary homes (hopefully). The lack of place to go and the home you are forced to leave are reminscent of the day-to-day struggle of a Filipino. A family displaced by a calamity is not unrelated to a mother with three children in the streets. It is just that we have learned to take them as they are. Poor people begging in the highway as you stop for that red light are what we been accustomed to. It is the case that storms do whip off your roof and take away lives but it also a reality when society acts upon our lives, acts upon the children that wipes your shoe as the jeepney stops in the intersection at Quezon ave. Some would tell that others are not working enough that's why they are poor. Try telling that to a kid who has never set foot in school, who rummages the garbage for five or ten varied coins, who comes home to his sick mother or if not abusive guardian, who eats your unfinished meal, who you constantly try to be kind and charitable to, who you forget when you shop for your well-off nieces and nephews, goddaughters and godsons.
The way you think about and help the miserable typhoon victims is way of "...making yourself feel good" as Jessica Zafra would put it. Yet, the devastation has been under our noses all these times. It is just pathetic that it has to take a month-worth of rain to flood the central Luzon for us to care. Nature has its wrath and we are also at fault as proven by the environmetalist mov't, however society's demise is truly our sole fault. You cannot tell an abused OFW that it's just how it goes! It's not nature that stabbed her twice in the gut and padlocked her in the closet for days. We can never speak of things as somthing normal and adaptive when people are killed, exploited and forced to disappear. We will not accept the gov't's excuses and further lack of response. We will not sit and eat all the US crap food we are to forced to devour together with the lies of that woman extravagantly living in the Palace. While her people barely eat once a day. AH! the disparity! That's for my next post.
The other picture is of a protest being held to abhor the (in)action the GMA regime has been doing to the affected citizens of the typhoon. They hang their used clothes and condemned the gov't's decadence and neglect in the midst of the catastrophe.
The typhoon is not what makes the country devasted, it's how this society is being run and I mean the control of the few.

The way you think about and help the miserable typhoon victims is way of "...making yourself feel good" as Jessica Zafra would put it. Yet, the devastation has been under our noses all these times. It is just pathetic that it has to take a month-worth of rain to flood the central Luzon for us to care. Nature has its wrath and we are also at fault as proven by the environmetalist mov't, however society's demise is truly our sole fault. You cannot tell an abused OFW that it's just how it goes! It's not nature that stabbed her twice in the gut and padlocked her in the closet for days. We can never speak of things as somthing normal and adaptive when people are killed, exploited and forced to disappear. We will not accept the gov't's excuses and further lack of response. We will not sit and eat all the US crap food we are to forced to devour together with the lies of that woman extravagantly living in the Palace. While her people barely eat once a day. AH! the disparity! That's for my next post.
The other picture is of a protest being held to abhor the (in)action the GMA regime has been doing to the affected citizens of the typhoon. They hang their used clothes and condemned the gov't's decadence and neglect in the midst of the catastrophe.
The typhoon is not what makes the country devasted, it's how this society is being run and I mean the control of the few.